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Out and about on a sunny morning
28 March 2009
Sugarin' time in St. Lawrence County
Everyone here agrees this is a great year for sap.
Cold nights and warm days.
Gonna have lots of good New York State maple syrup this year.
Note: The tanker trucks will surely be hauling a lot of the sap across the border to
Vermont so they can boil it down and label it as "Pure Vermont Maple" syrup.
Betcha didn't know they do that.

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Sap buckets on trees
Between our place and Potsdam NY
Maple Weekend St.Lawrence County, New York
More info
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Mr. Hugh Newton's sugar house during "Maple Weekend"
Near the village of Hanawa Falls
Very "modern" outfit .. he fires with oil vs wood

Info links about Maple Syrup production in New York State
Excerpt from 2009 NYS Ag. and Mkt. web page

"New York, the second largest maple producing state in the nation, is currently in the middle of its maple syrup season. With 1.5 million taps, New York producers made 322,000 gallons of maple syrup in 2008, up 44 percent from the year prior. The value of New York maple syrup produced in 2007 was $7.5 million with an average price of $33.50 per gallon.:"

The American Maple Museum in Croghan NY    (Lewis County)