by Bob Harrison
Greenfield, IN
November 4, 1997
They came from places far and and wide across this fine old nation
To take their place in history by fighting subjugation
By any king or tyrant in the world who might have notions
By attempting to defeat us in a battle for the oceans.
Now Sammy Sailor was a boy who had but one ambition
To be a sailor like his Dad, ‘twas a family tradition
So he upped and joined the Navy when he was seventeen
And finally found his place aboard a fightin’ submarine.
Oh, it’s Sammy this and Sammy that, just mind your p’s and q’s
And Sammy you stay outa sight when wearin’ your dress blues.
But when the bullets start to whizzin’ and we see that we’re in trouble
Why, it’s Sammy get in line now, pretty quick and on the double.
Now Sammy Sailor, he worked hard to fulfill his father’s wish
Of completing one old qual card so he could earn his fish
And when he had completed it and after taking his last test
He stood tall with comrades who recognized he was the best.
But then the middies came aboard for a four-week summer cruise
And it wasn’t long til everyone was presented with the news
That middies, too, could qualify to supplement their education
Though they could qual without the need of formal regulation.
Then Sammy and his shipmates were overcome with indignation,
Giving Dolphins to the middies was the final degradation
To hand out Silver Dolphins to the mids was dirty tricks
Just another bad example of the nations’s politics.
Oh, it’s Sammy this and Sammy that, just mind your p’s and q’s
And Sammy you stay outa sight when wearin’ your dress blues.
But when the bullets start to whizzin’ and we see that we’re in trouble
Why, it’s Sammy get in line now, pretty quick and on the double.